Two articles I found particularly interesting and worthy of readers’ time in this morning’s NY Times lead to questions for both President Obama and Candidate Romney.
Assuming that generally both articles can be taken largely as valid, then what occurs to me are the questions below:
- Mr. President, in David Firestone in his Sunday Observer NY Times article “Don’t Tell Anyone, But the Stimulus Worked,” he asks why you and the Democrats have not discussed this success. I would add that you also (in your convention speech) did not give much mention to your other successful accomplishment – The Affordable Health Care Act (“Obamacare” ).
Thus, my questions: Mr President: If these are indeed true successes, why have you not let the country know about them? Why have you not told these stories?
- Mr. Romney, in David Leonhardt’s Capital Ideas NY Times column this morning (Do Tax Cuts Lead to Economic Growth?), he repeats a question he asked prior to the convention to Mr. Ryan: “Why a cut in tax rates would work better this time than last time?” Then, in his final paragraph, he writes: “But when you dig into Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan’s proposals and you consider recent history, the fairest thing to say is that, so far at least, they have laid out a plan to cut taxes. They have not yet explained why and how it is also an economic-growth plan.”
Thus, my questions: Mr. Romney: Specifically, why do you believe your tax cuts will have different consequences than any of the ones in the recent past? How is your plan to cut taxes in any way an economic-growth plan?
As always, I invite (thoughtful?) responses from MillersTime readers too.
Carrie said:
I believe the President is concerned that most Americans do not like the whole Obama Care poackage. Some things are good but others are terrible.
Raising taxes has not created jobs, which I believe is want is needed for people to fill secure. Even taxing the very rich 75% will not help create jobs or lower our debt in the long run.Look at France-they just raised income tax for the rich to 75%, so many of them have picked up and left the country.Right now many small business men are being crushed by exorbitant taxes and regulations. Everyday, I talk to and hear about another small business needing to close or lay off a big per centage of their staff.
W. David Stephenson said:
I too am perplexed that Obama hasn’t EVER (not just during the campaign) really tooted his own horn about his accomplishments. As a former political pr type, I really wonder if he thinks it’s unseemly to take credit. This is actually reprehensible when it comes to the ACA, because he did such a poor job of promoting the ACA’s attributes that deserving people probably are missing out on its benefits. Wonder if the excellent current gynecological cancer screening PSAs from HHS managed to slip under his radar?