"The Atlantic", 2020 Elections, Franklin Foer, Interference in Our Elections, Russia, Russian Interference in Our Elections
While I’ve cut back on how much time I am spending reading various articles, posts, news reports, and time spent on social media, tweets, etc. (Facebook is a thing of the past for me now), I continue to follow what for me are a few reliable sources of information.
In that vein, I came across something two days ago that I think is worthy of your time and consideration. It’s from The Atlantic magazine’s upcoming June 2020 publication, written by Franklin Foer, a staff writer for The Atlantic and the former editor of The New Republic. He clearly writes from a liberal perspective. Nevertheless, what he has to tell us in this somewhat lengthy article contains new and detailed information about the situation facing us vis-a-vis Russian interference in our elections, his view that it is going to happen again, and our lack of preparedness for it.
This article goes beyond anything I’ve read on this subject to date, and I hope you will spend the time to consider what he has uncovered and wants us to know:
The 2016 Election Was Just a Dry Run, by Franklin Foer, The Atlantic, June 2020
As always, I am open to your reactions, whether you agree or disagree. Use the Comment section of this post to let me and others know your reaction to what for me is a very disturbing account of where we are headed for the upcoming elections.
Anon-2 said:
Again with Russia. Two days ago, it was reported that Brennan hid information that Russia wanted Hillary to win. I’ve been saying that since the 2016 election. As energy prices go. so goes Russia. Clearly, they wanted the candidate who promised to ban fracking. To think that they wanted Trump is laughable.
And no, they are not happy with Trump now. He has made NATO stronger by forcing members to contribute more. He approved the killing of a few hundred Russian soldiers at Deir al Zour.
And…as we are learning more, every day, the whole Russia hoax scam was contrived during the transition with the absurd Joint Analysis Report.
All nonsense to protect China Joe.
So…is this what it’s going to be again? Russia? I was thinking it was going to be COVID….if Trump is leading in the polls, the inevitable outbreak will happen, and Dems will scream “WE HAVE TO DELAY THE ELECTION”! and then “ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT”!
David Meyers said:
You my friend are spot on. Also remember Obama gave Ukraine food & blankets.
Trump gave them Tanks. Under Secretary CLINTON they got control of Uranium One.
Anonymous said:
Thank you.
I saw him on a news show and thought he was quite good.
What remains unanswered for me, however, is that we’ve won so many elections since 2016 and how could the sinister Russians have allowed that?
Not just the House but so many governorships.
I think after 2016 it was 32 Republican Governors and now virtually even. State legislatures too.
Regardless, he’s right to address this issue.
Bob Thurston said:
This is really alarming. For me also, this was the first time I’ve read such a comprehensive account of all of this. The Russian campaign is scary in itself, but combined with our inability (for many reasons) to wage a coordinated defense against it doubles the danger. And I was thinking our toughest enemy was Corona Virus!
Land Wayland said:
The comparitive security of the mail-in ballot (paper trail, documented recount availability, no voting machines to tamper with, no problems with phony voter ID issues at the polling place) makes this the most secure way to conduct an election.
Could this be the primary reason Mr. Trump is so vigorously opposed to it? His claims of massive vote fraud in 2016 were clearly absurd. If the Democrats were going to falsely cast 3,000,000 votes for HRC, why didn’t they cast 100,000 of them in the swing States where that would have made a difference in the Electoral College?
The California govenor recently said all voting in Califor-nia in November will by mail-in ballot, and that those voters who want to physically put them in ballot boxes at the polling station can do so. He said this without knowing whether COV19 would still be a major problem. This would appear to be strong evidence that he doesn’t trust voting machines and does not want to use them.
By the way, as the just-conducted special election for U.S. Represenative in California’s Orange county confirmed, Republicans decided that in-person polling station voting would be very low and they focused on encouraging mail balloting. They were successful and easily won what would otherwise have been a much closer race. Their get out the mail-in vote protocol was successful and is a sign that Democrats should carefully consider how to do this task even better.
Carrie said:
I recommended that a article to many people. I think it is as accurate account of what I have heard about this current virus and past epidemics
Like many complex issues, I prefer to try to get reliable reliable info rather then spread blame. We need to know to understand the history In order to plan for the future in a responsible manner
Richard said:
I agree, though I think you are referring to an earlier article I wrote about and not this one. Check out today’s post.
James Montgomery Kilby said:
My answer to all the people who promote conspiracy theories is, “and you know this how?” Unless someone is personally involved in a action, or at least connected to someone who is, they are just repeating “something I heard.” Putin’s game is to sow discord, on both sides. He is offended by the influence America has had in the world. He wants the same influence. Mostly so he can keep the money flowing to all the oligarchs, so he doesn’t loose his position, in Russian politics.